Lana Zhuchkova Oct 24, 2024 Salesforce Digital Transformation What is a Salesforce Business Analyst and why do you need one? VRP Consulting’s Business Analysis Practice Lead, Lana Zhuchkova, answers key questions like “what is a Salesforce Business Analyst?”, “what do they do?”, and much more.
Will Lamb Jan 19, 2023 Salesforce Strategy How the right Salesforce Partner benefits you in a tough economy Will Lamb explains how having the right Salesforce Partner benefits your organisation during tough economic times.
Coen Backer Jan 4, 2023 Salesforce Digital Transformation Why Digital Business Transformation with Salesforce Implementation is Essential in a Recession Is digital business transformation even more vital and valuable than ever during a recession? Coen Backer explains why it is — and how to do it.