Christians Against 
Poverty UK

Christians Against Poverty UK

A debt advice service gains a life-saving new platform to help more people in need, more quickly

Christians Against Poverty UK
  • Location UK
  • Industry Nonprofit
  • Employees 200-500

Consulting engagement to replatform debt management system onto Salesforce, to include debt coaching, advice, budgeting and managing bill payments.

Christians Against Poverty UK

Our Client

Christians Against Poverty UK

Christians Against Poverty UK (CAP UK) is a nonprofit organization on a mission to end poverty in the UK. CAP UK partners with local churches to offer free debt counseling for all kinds of people across the nation who are facing financial difficulties, to help them become debt-free. They wanted to transform their services in order to help their busy team and better assist people in need. These people – a highly vulnerable client base – are often in crisis and need to get advice and take action quickly, both due to time-sensitive factors of the pressing situations they are in, and also to reduce their distress from the financial and mental pressure they are under. For many, homelessness and other severe hardship is a very real prospect or even a current reality. With VRP Consulting’s help, this charity gained the powerful digital platform they need. It gives them the potential to increase their reach, moving at pace to build out their internal capacity so they can work with more churches and more people, scaling the service through technology as an enabler.

“The work VRP has done will have a lasting impact on the lives of those weighed down and crushed by debt and poverty in the UK. It will set people free and release them into life in all its fullness.”

Edward Parker
Edward Parker Head of Debt Help Product Innovation, Christians Against Poverty UK
Value we delivered
  • 85% quicker debt advice now possible
  • Unified system connects budget management, document capture and more
  • 55 days of team time potentially saved per month thanks to improvements
VRP bear with heart

The challenge

Pain points:
  • Existing system inflexible and unscalable
  • Process to debt advice delivery too slow and laborious
  • Poor UX and excessive complexity 

CAP UK’s existing solutions for its debt advice services were no longer fit for purpose. PHP-based, their complexity and inflexibility were inhibiting them from providing the scale and level of service CAP UK wanted. Each aspect, from budget management to capturing information and documents from clients, was disconnected, with its data siloed. It was difficult to bring together all the necessary information about each client – such as matching up an item of documentation to a budget record – to gain a full picture of a client’s progress, and communicate this to them along with the proposed next steps.

Using this legacy setup, they struggled to adequately control and monitor tasks, provide visibility on cases to both debt coaches on the frontline dealing directly with clients, and debt advisors at head office, and ensure clients were given the advice they needed at the right times and actions were followed up quickly. The overall user experience (UX) was poor and users needed to manually re-enter data or re-upload documents, from one system to another, resulting in missed details, quality issues and increased workloads. Onboarding new debt advice clients was slow and laborious.

With all these issues, plus the difficulty of hiring and expense of maintaining in-house PHP developers, CAP UK wanted  a more flexible and cost-effective cloud-based platform. They needed a solution that could more quickly and easily be evolved to meet their changing needs, and would allow them to take advantage of new functionality and innovation. Most importantly, their new solution had to empower their hard-working advisors to truly make the most of their knowledge and skills – and deliver the large volume of urgent support clients needed as they struggled with debt.

Solution we delivered

  • Unified solution provides single source of truth
  • Budget-builder, case management and recommendations
  • Web portal for onboarding clients

In only 14 weeks of development, across seven sprints, VRP brought together all CAP UK’s vital tools into a single, seamlessly connected system. This new solution, based on Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud, unifies budget management, client information capture and document capture – previously three disparate tools. Merging all three into one and linking the records makes it easy for CAP’s users to perform searches, see connected documents and data, capture and amend information, and gain a single view of the client. They now have a “single source of truth”, with data easily accessible, providing a comprehensive view of each client – all users need to do is click on a case to see all the important information. Crucially, with this new solution, visibility of a client’s case plan is accessible to both debt coaches and debt advisors, whereas previously it was only the advisors. This means that coaches can play a more active role in supporting the client.

The solution includes a budget-builder tool, case management functionality, and recommended next best actions. Using Salesforce Experience Cloud, VRP also created a web portal via which debt coaches can onboard new clients, including capturing vital information and documents such as bills, for the debt advisors and clients to work with when making debt-management plans. All of this empowers CAP UK to provide the best help and advice, and manage and track work far more efficiently than ever before.

Christians Against 
Poverty UK

Results and benefits

Value Gained:
  • Debt advice delivery quicker and easier
  • More flexible solution ready for future needs
  • Single source of truth as foundation for further solutions

The new solution has the power to dramatically improve the clarity of information CAP UK’s team work with, with less time spent chasing paperwork and information lost. With a 360-degree view of each client, Debt Centres can help them more effectively progress their case. CAP UK now has the potential to dramatically reduce the time it takes from the client’s first contact to getting a debt advice appointment. From seeing previous average time-frames of up to three weeks, it may now be possible to connect coaches to clients in as little as three days (depending on client demand). It will be an incredibly valuable improvement, particularly for clients with urgent, time-sensitive needs. This difference can be potentially life-changing – or even life-saving. According to CAP UK’s 2024 Client Report, 46% of respondents said they had considered or attempted suicide as a way out of debt before seeking help.

Due to VRP’s team customizing the solution based on the out-of-the-box Salesforce features, CAP UK is also set up with a solution that should be far easier to maintain and adjust in future. Unlike their previous solutions, making changes with this refreshed architecture isn’t slow-paced or problematically risky, so they can make enhancements far more responsively and confidently. Their new, more flexible solution allows CAP UK to innovate and respond to customer needs more effectively, and is also a platform that can support future client portals thanks to enabling a single source of truth.

VRP Consulting continues to help Christians Against Poverty UK in their wider digital transformation program, which is expected to last five or more years. In this extensive program of work, CAP UK is considering expanding its Experience Cloud implementation to allow their clients to upload important documentation themselves and see where they are in the process, and implementing a new client booking solution to make it as easy as possible for someone who is experiencing issues to get help. VRP is glad to be their trusted technology partner, helping CAP UK to explore all the possibilities available and realize them in ways that deliver maximum benefit for the people who work for them, and the people in desperate need who they work for.

Company profile

Christians Against 
Poverty UK

Christians Against Poverty UK (CAP UK) is an award-winning debt counseling charity. It partners its financial expertise with the care of churches throughout Great Britain to offer free debt help and solutions to people in need, via 259 CAP Debt Centres, supported by 673 churches and resourced by more than 400 debt coaches. CAP UK will help anyone regardless of their religious beliefs and aims to ensure that nobody receives less favorable treatment on the grounds of race, nationality, religion, age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation or disability. The fast-growing charity intends to have a debt-counseling CAP Debt Centre in 500 towns and cities across the UK in the coming years.

Christians Against 
Poverty UK
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