Anastasiya Vinogradova Jun 27, 2024 Salesforce Technologies What is Salesforce Marketing Cloud Journey Builder and how can it help you? Learn all about Salesforce Marketing Cloud Journey Builder. What is Journey Builder? What are some Salesforce Marketing Cloud Journey examples? What is Journey Analytics?
Laura Croudace Jan 24, 2024 Salesforce Digital Transformation Why the people are the most important factor in nonprofit digital transformation Why is it vital that nonprofits’ digital transformation is people-powered - and how do you achieve that? Laura Croudace, VRP’s Nonprofit Practice Director, has the answers in her article.
Wojciech Malinowski Dec 12, 2022 Salesforce Strategy When you need to cut back on staff (but not on skills) with Salesforce How can Salesforce managed services and outsourcing help if you need to cut back on staff — but not on skills? Wojciech Malinowski explains.